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Transforming Baramulla: A Success Story of Collaboration and Innovation in the Aspirational District Program
The "Transformation of Aspirational Districts" program, initiated by the Government of India under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in January 2018, aimed to uplift the socio-economic conditions of 115 underperforming districts across the nation. Baramulla, located in Jammu and Kashmir, was identified as one of the key districts, with an emphasis on improving health and nutrition indicators. The National Health Mission (NHM) Jammu and Kashmir collaborated with the Norway India Partnership Initiative (NIPI) to implement targeted interventions.
In March 2018, a baseline assessment was conducted to evaluate Baramulla’s health and nutrition indicators, laying the foundation for setting realistic targets and developing effective strategies. Baramulla’s performance data was subsequently entered into the Champions of Change dashboard, an online platform developed by NITI Aayog to monitor district-level progress but the absence of block-level monitoring emerged as a critical gap.
To bridge this gap, NIPI developed a Block-Level Aspirational District Dashboard, enabling granular monitoring and focused action. Monthly block-level meetings utilized dashboard data to track progress, identify underperforming areas, and provide tailored technical support. NIPI appointed a full-time consultant to work with Baramulla's District Health Society, ensuring year-on-year improvement in health and nutrition outcomes. Regular reviews by NITI Aayog and state and district teams facilitated the setting of annual targets, and underperforming blocks received intensive support to address specific challenges.
Baramulla achieved remarkable progress in health and nutrition indicators between 2018 and 2024. The percentage of pregnant women receiving four or more antenatal check-ups increased from 92.08% to 97%, and early registration within the first trimester rose from 93.5% to 99.36%, indicating better awareness and access to maternal care. The proportion of underweight children under six years dropped from 13.92% to nearly 0%. The percentage of new-borns breastfed within one hour of birth sustained at an exemplary 100%, meeting global best practices. Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) and Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) among children were eradicated, declining from 3% and 11.93%, respectively, to 0%.
Institutional deliveries improved significantly, rising from 74.24% to 99%, while deliveries attended by skilled birth attendants increased from 0% to 100%. Full immunization for children aged 9-11 months reached 100%, and tuberculosis treatment success rates improved from 72.88% to 100%. Health facilities also saw notable upgrades, with Primary Health Centers (PHCs) meeting Indian Public Health Standards increasing from 21.88% to 60%, and First Referral Units achieving 100% compliance.
The transformation of Baramulla showcases the power of collaborative efforts and innovative solutions. With the continuous support of NIPI and the combined dedication of the District Health Society and NITI Aayog, Baramulla not only achieved significant health and nutrition milestones but also laid a robust foundation for sustainable development making it a model of success for other districts to emulate.