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Decision Support System (DSS) for IMNCI
Identifying and managing sick newborns and children has always been a critical challenge in healthcare. The Integrated Management of Neonatal & Childhood Illnesses (IMNCI) package offers a promising solution by equipping health workers with essential skills to identify and manage neonatal and childhood illnesses effectively.
To enhance clinical management and ensure adherence to IMNCI guidelines by frontline workers, the Norway India Partnership Initiative (NIPI) collaborated with the government to develop an innovative Client-Centric Decision Support System (DSS) Tool. Fully aligned with the latest IMNCI guidelines and training modules, this tool empowers frontline workers—such as CHOs (Community Health Officers) and ANMs (Auxiliary Nurse Midwives)—to:
• Triage cases based on the severity of symptoms.
• Deliver evidence-based care.
• Strengthen their clinical decision-making skills.
In November 2024, the Government of Rajasthan approved the DSS for IMNCI. The first phase of implementation was launched in:
• Alwar and Bharatpur districts (Eastern Rajasthan)
• Dungarpur and Udaipur districts (Tribal region)
All Ayushman Arogya Mandirs (AAM) or Health & Wellness Centres in the selected blocks of these districts are actively using the DSS Tool.
The NIPI team organized comprehensive training sessions for CHOs and ANMs in the selected blocks. Block Chief Medical Officers and their teams oversee field implementation and review progress during monthly block meetings. The NIPI Jaipur team, supported by the national team, addresses technical challenges in the DSS Tool and maintains an online dashboard.