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Ensuring resumption of essential Health Services: Home Based Young Child (HBYC) Trainings

A five-day HBYC training of Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs) was conducted from October 8th to 12th, 2020 in District Guna of Madhya Pradesh.

A total of 20 ASHAs participated in the training which was facilitated by three trainers. District Community Mobilizer under direct supervision of Chief Medical & Health Officer provided leadership and managerial support to the training.

Home Based Care for Young Children (HBYC) was launched by Hon’ble Prime Minister of India in 2018 with a major focus on promoting Exclusive Breast Feeding, ensuring adequacy of complementary feeding, promoting use of prophylactics distribution of ORS and Zn use, ensuring availability and use of Iron and Folic Acid (IFA), Promoting Early Childhood Care & Development, ensuring completion of Immunization and tracking of Growth Monitoring in Infants.

Norway India Partnership Initiative is mandated to ensure quality assessment of trainings under HBYC. The state project team visited the training site. Being conducted as per the guidelines, ASHAs were found to be actively participating in the training. Their learning was assessed by pre and post test scores.

In a brief conversation with the trainees, ASHAs recognized that HBYC training was an opportunity to refresh their knowledge, meet fellow ASHA sisters and learn from each other.

All COVID appropriate behaviours were ensured during the training.

Glimpses from the training:
Group activity presentation on Infant and Young Child Feeding using flipchart during a session
Group activity presentation on Infant and Young Child Feeding using flipchart during a session
Role play by the participants
Role play by the participants
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